50sen seKM Cukup Ker?

Sistem 50sen seKM diperkenalkan dengan “tiba-tiba” pada april 2007, apabila dikaji secara “tertutup” oleh pihak majikan dan memutuskan bahawa pada kadar 50sen adalah berpatutan berasaskan harga minyak pada masa itu bersamaan dengan rm1.92 dan kekal hingga ke hari ini. Ketika itu pihak majikan juga pernah mengadakan mesyuarat dan antara agendanya ialah harga 50sen adalah wajar kerana kalau dibahagi kepada setengah ia bersamaan dengan 25sen iaitu kos minyak secara am bagi pekerja yang memiliki kereta berCC 1500 dan sebahagian 25sen lagi adalah untuk kos bagi penyelerengaan kereta. Walau apa jenis bantahan yang diluahkan oleh pekerja pada ketika itu sehingalah ke hari ini namun pihak majikan hanya bertindak seperti “buat tak tau”.

Antara bantahan yang dikemukakan adalah adalah

-50sen terlalu sikit
Memandangkan perkerja diwajibkan membawa “parts” dari tempat kerja ke tempat pelangan. Tiada masalahnya kalau “parts2” itu bersaiz kecil dan ringan tetapi semuanya besar dan berat terutamanya “parts” untuk pelangan bercap “harimau”. Isunya bukan kereta pekerja tidak dapat memuatkan “parts” yang banyak itu tetapi merujuk kepada harga 50sen tidak merangkumi kos untuk penghantaran kerana 25sen untuk kos minyak dan 25sen yang lagi untuk kos penyelerengaan. Pekerja sering kali berhadapan dengan masalah seperti kes pecah cermin kereta yang begitu panas di sekitar kawasan yang digelar zon hitam iaitu lembah kelang, johor baru dan pulau pinang. Kereta pekerja sering kali dijadikan sasaran bagi sindiket ini kerana kotak kotak “parts” yang mengandungi alat komputer yang berharga tinggi ini menarik perhatian mereka. Apabila membentangkan isu ini kepada pihak management, ia menjawab : memang kadar 50sen tidak merangkumi kos penghantaran tetapi apa salahnya jika pekerja membawa “parts” itu sedangkan pekerja juga akan ke tempat pelangan juga. Dan jika kereta pekerja dipecah cermin namun pekerja ada insuran kereta sendiri dan harus membuat laporan polis sejurus itu. Pihak majikan hanya menanggung atas “parts” yang hilang/rosak sahaja dan tidak akan bertanggungjawab atas apa apa kerosakan keatas kereta dan harta benda pekerja. Mengulas lebih lanjut tentang isu ini pihak majikan juga menasihatkan pekerja supaya berhati hati apabila memandu dan berwaspada dengan sindiket ini.
Persoalannya pekerja bukan enggan membawa “parts” ini tetapi kerana kadar 50sen ini terlalu sikit. Berat yang berlebihan juga boleh membebankan kereta pekerja dari segi kos minyak dan sistem suspensi.

-50sen memang terlalu sikit
Kebanyakan tempat pelangan berada di pusat bandar yang penuh sesak dengan lalulintas, selaras dengan ini majoriti pekerja juga di tempatkan di pusat bandar. Memang strategik pihak majikan berbuat demikian kerana ia dapat menggurangkan masa untuk pekerja memandu dari tempat ke tempat dan memberi masa respon yang lebih cepat. Namun tetapi, kesesakan lalulintas di pusat bandar memang satu isu yang besar. Kerana kesesakan lalu lintas, pekerjalah yang terpaksa menangung kerugian masa dan minyak.

Contoh pertama di Pulau Pinang, pekerja terperangkap dalam kesesakan selama 1 jam lebih di jambatan pulau pinang ketika waktu puncak, jaraknya hanya 14km atau bersamaan dengan rm7. Kesesakan di jambatan pulau pinang tidak dapat dielakan kerana ada kerja membaik pulih dijalankan dan di jangka siap akhir tahun ini. Kepada pekerja di kawasan itu, beliau cuba elak mengunakan jambatan itu pada waktu puncak tetapi khuatiri akan gagal dalam masa respon ke tempat pelangan.

Contoh seterusnya jalan skudai di johor baru, pekerja sering kali berulang balik mengunakan jalan ini kerana ia merupakan jalan tengah utama untuk pergi ke kebanyakan tempat pelangan namun itu juga jalan skudai terkenal kerana kesesakan lalulintasnya walaupun beberapa tahun yang lalu kerajaan telah menlebarkan jalan tersubut kepada 3 lorong namun sesak juga kerana peningkatan penguna jalan itu juga meningkat.

Contoh ketiganya dan paling merugikan adalah di lembah kelang, tidak payah bercerita banyak kerana pada waktu puncak mahupun waktu biasa hendak ke mana mana pekerja akan terperangkap dalam kesesakan. Bukan setakat kesesakan biasa tetapi ada juga kesesakan luar biasa yang dikaitkan dengan cuaca buruk, kerja penaikan taraf jalan dan kemalangan jalanraya. Sebenarnya bukannya kereta yang rosak atau terbabit dalam kemalangan ini mempengaruhi kesesakan luar biasa ini tetapi sikap pemandu di lembah kelang yang suka melihat, menyibuk dan ada yang memperlahankan kenderaan mereka semata mata untuk mencatit nombor kereta berkenaan. Lebih memburukan keadaan lagi, banyak tempat pelangan berlokasi di pusat bandar yang penuh sesak dan jarak dari poin ke poin tidak jauh jadi pekerja hanya dapat KM yang jauh lebih kurang berbanding dengan pekerja dari negeri lain.

-50sen yang sikit terpaksa mematuhi sistem “GPS” yang kurang "bijak".
Setiap hari pekerja merhadapan dengan masalah ini, pekerja juga dilarang mengambil jalan alternatif yang lebih jauh untuk mengelakan kesesakan kerana kononnya majikan ada sistem “GPS” yang fungsinya khususnya untuk mengenal pasti jarak dari poin ke poin untuk mengelakan pekerja menipu KM. Memang bijak sekali untuk mengunakan sistem GPS oleh majikan tetapi tahukah anda bahawa sistem in perlu di “update”kan dari masa ke semasa untuk mendapatkan maklumat jalan dan jarak terkini kerana setiap hari terdapat kerja pengubahsuaian jalan di mana mana sahaja. Sistem yang digunakan adalah jenis perisian atau “software” yang peta jalan telak dimuatturun atau di datangkan bersama perisiannya. Jadi ketepatan sistem sendiri juga mempunyai kelemahan ini. Sistem “GPS” sebenar ialah “realtime” dimana penguna dapat berinteraksi dengan alat ini dan akan menunjukan indikasi dimana pemamdu itu berada dan menunjukan lokasi yang hendak dituju dan bukan mudah setakat perisian lembut yang di klik menguanakan tetikus oleh majikan. Jadi setakat mana keberkesanan sistem “GPS”nya hanya dia sajalah yang tahu.

Ada insiden dimana pekerja ini menggunakan jalan yang lebih jauh tetapi tidak sesak untuk ke tempat pelangan semenjak dan sebelum sistem “GPS” digunakan dan ditanya oleh majikan kenapa ada jalan utama dan singkat tidak digunakan dan sebab kenapa jarak dari poin ke poin banyak yang lebih sangat. Jawab pekerja adalah untuk mengelakan kesesakan dan tempat yang lain dia hanya tahu satu satunya jalan kerana dia tidak berani untuk mencuba jalan lain sebab takut nanti lebih jauh dan kemunkinan sesat jalan. Kesian, lalu pekerja ini yang tidak biasa dengan jalan disekitar kawasanya meminta agar pihak majikan untuk menbekalkan alat “GPS” untuk keretanya tetapi ditolak atas alasan tiada peruntukan kerana terlalu mahal.

-50sen lagi sikit kalau berbanding dengan dulu dan sekarang
Kadar inflasi dijangka terus naik punca kenaikan harga minyak mentah sedunia. Tidak hairanlah harga kos penyelerengaan juga turut menjadi beban tambahan kepada pekerja.

Dibawah adalah senarai berbezaan harga kos penyelerengaan yang ditawarkan oleh segelintir bengkel biasa dan biasa di kunjungi para pekerja kerana harganya lebih murah dari pusat servis seperti EON.

Haga minyak enjin bergred mineral
Pada awal 2007 = rm60
Sekarang 2008 = rm76
Kenaikan sebanyak 16%

Harga penapis minyak enjin *yang jenis tulin
Pada awal 2007 = rm15
Sekarang 2008 = rm18
Kenaikan sebanyak 20%

Harga bateri jenis ns60 *yang biasa yang perlu tambah air
Pada awal 2007 = rm150
Sekarang 2008 = rm220
Kenaikan sebanyak 46%

Harga tayar bersaiz 195/50/15’ *jenis biasa buatan tempatan
Pada awal 2007 = rm190
Sekarang 2008 = rm220
Kenaikan sebanyak 15%

Harga upah servis kereta berCC 1500 *bengkel biasa dan bukan eon servis
Pada awal 2007 = rm20
Sekarang 2008 = rm25-30
Kenaikan sebanyak = 25-50%

Kesimpulan =
Servis bulanan merangkumi minyak enjin, penapis minyak dan upah adalah seperti berikut
Tahun 2007 = rm95
Tahun 2008 = rm124
Kadar inflasi = 30%

Servis tahunan merangkumi 1 bateri dan tayar 4 biji adalah seperti berikut
Tahun 2007 = rm910
Tahun 2008 = rm1100
Kadar inflasi = 21%

Angka inflasi 21% kemudian dibahagi dengan 12 bulan adalah bersamaan dengan 1.75% sebulan. Kemudian angka ini di tambah ke kadar inflasi bulanan adalah bersamaan dengan 31.75%. Kesimpulannya adalah inflasi kadar kos penyelerengaan telah semakin meningkat jadi adalah wajar jika kenaikan kos penyelerengaan rm0.25 seKM itu juga di naikan sejajar dengan kadar inflasi iaitu rm0.33 seKM. Tidak melampau sangat jika majikan menaikan kadar 50sen seKM kepada 58sen seKM.

Para pekerja di sarata negara sangat mengalu alukan berubahan positive setelah kian lama terbelenggu dalam bermacam macam masalah. Memang adalah masanya untuk suara para pekerja ini di sampaikan ke pihak majikan yang mulia dan bertauliah. Saluran yang sedia ada tidak banyak membantu oleh itu dengan cara inilah satu satunya cara mereka menyuarakan isi hati.

sekian terima kasih
Asalamu Alaikum


Anonymous said...

dear blogger,
did this blog arrive at the intended recipient?

Anonymous said...

As a former eRetail field engineer, I greatly support this survey and blog.

Hopefully the former staffs and current ones will do their part and vote.

With the results of the vote which I doubt it would do anything. They will just brush it off and make no notice of it.

So at the end here I wish you guys good luck. It WAS a good company to work at the start until the introduction of the 50cent/km*, unfair conpensation**, "hi tech GPS"***, a SOMEONE there who threaten wanted to sue me because I quit without a month notice but well whatever it is, you are behind me now. Keep on squeezing your staffs and hope that your company doesn't go down.

*With all the parts that we carry, extra wear and tear on the car and higher fuel consumption due to heavier weight, fear of car being broken into etc ... 50cent/km? You tell me. Our car belongs to us it doesn't belong to the company. Unless you give us company car we would be very happy not to claim the 50cent.

**you are paid normal salary on a working public holiday unless if you have to attend a site then only you will be paid double. Double salary is only paid on the time that you start work at site not inclusive of the travel time. Reason is because you are already paid by mileage on the travel time. So if there's no site to attend, you just sit at home and wait for call and waste the whole day away without standby allowance to compensate if there's no site to attend.

***'Hi tech GPS' is located in our manager's laptop and not our car. We are required to take the shortest distance from where we are to site. Extra mileage does not count if you take further distance to avoid jam in order to reach the site faster to avoid failing SLA. Any distance further taken by staff would be cut with no questions asked cause you are deemed cheating. So it is pretty normal to have your claims cut by few hundred bucks if you travel a lot. Imagine a travel from office to Ipoh on the odometer show 230+kms due to detour on road closures where the 'GPS' it shows with a straight line from office to hotel is only 198km. So we are supposed to only claim for 198km not the mileage that is stated on the odometer.

So the rest who are reading this, you make your judgement.

Anonymous said...

Whoever the blogger is please remain anonymous as the real meaning (Freedom Of Speech) is not well practise in this company. If the (Ass Warming) manager found out who the blogger or even the supporter of this blog for sure he will add some innocent staff names in his (Enemy List). Come on lah (Ass Warming) manager, our days in this company have turn from bad to worst thanks to your existance.

Lastly i would like to add a little comment on behalf of the current staff that you are a terrible manager and you are really a problem maker.

comment from ex-staff like myself i would like to THANK YOU as your existance in this company has given me a opportunity to leave and found a job that have similar field with better pay and ofcause no more stingy 50cent perKM and on top of everything is i dont have to see your ugly face anymore.

p\s: (Ass Warming) manager that im reffering is the one where you can see his name all over the loading bay lift.

Anonymous said...

I strongly agreed with this blog & of course, the survey created by blog owner. Brader yang created blog ni, i respek sama u kaw kaw!

I've been with eRetail since Feb 2006 but resigned due to terrible working hours coupled with "kiam siap" 50 sen per-KM claim. As Jordan said, i do agreed that it's a great company to work with & i did enjoyed working there plus made some great friends over there as well.

Field engineers (FE) in Klang Valley had nightmares when the mgmt decided that the first 25km trip from office or your own home to the 1st site & the last 25km from the last site back home CAN'T be included into your mileage claim!!! So what did the engineers did? Of course la appeal but through their support operation manager but sampai resign pun takde feedback or reply. Sigh....

The company's support engineers operation flow is ruined & made worst by the best arse-warming manager for the year 2005-2007. To those of u who doesnt know who i'm refering to..... well, he's the one who tells u the same phrase with this sentence, "Cannot do anything already!" "Help to settle the task 1st & we discuss later" & these sentence applicable when engineers complained about their working sessions or problems.

Whereas if engineers would like to ask for this champion manager to request something from the mgmt, then he'll go answer u "Ok, tengah fight request from mgmt. Tunggu la!". Kompakar was filled with wonderful & great senior engineers working under their roof but was forced to make up their decision to leave the company because of the decisions & suggestions made by this wonderful support manager.

Recently, a senior FE based in KL have been posted to JB to be responsible for the state's support operation flow, got his car stolen when it was parked on one of the busiest street in JB town. According to him it was because his car was almost filed with parts that kept in "branded" boxes sent by the company. Now he's left without transport to attend support calls but the manager dare enough to tell him to think of alternative transport to move around because he's the one in charge of Johor's support operation! What a great manager he was huh? Talked about arseholes & this manager certainly won hands down!

I seriously hope the the mgmt of Kompakar will take this matter seriously into their consideration & not to make simple decisions just like sneezing. Think wise & make wiser decisions! I believed that the mgmt already know & read through this blog entry which will be sure discuss in the next mgmt meeting. Please treat this as an issue & make proper amendments to make life & work easier for your field engineers / other staff as well. If you want improvements of your support standards in the service industry market then PLEASE make wise decisions!

To the above mentioned support operation manager, I would like to thank you BIG BIG for giving me the opportunity to leave the company & start my new career in the similar field with a darn good salary benefits! Your existence matters & don't smoke too much at the loading bay. We won't want to see you kick the bucket that fast yet!

Anonymous said...

I was an ex-field engineer with eRetail S/B previously & finally, after much awaited this blog surfaced.

It was definitely a GREAT company to work with when the RM1.5K allowance still running but nightmare came haunting all FEs (field engineers) when the 50sen/km was implemented. It was the brilliant idea & suggestion from few mgmt's Eisteins & then decided in full disclosure of the mgmt. Finally it was implementation process to all FE around M'sia.

Sigh..... the company mgmt knows how to calculate, your FE & other staff also knows how to make logic calculations as well. I wonder whether the mgmt personnels studied economics or not. Have u guys heard of INFLATION??? RM0.50 per-KM with parts collections & storage in FE's OWN car? As for Klang Valley's FEs..... u cant claim the 1st 25km from your home/office to 1st site & last 25km from last site back home or office. U guys must be kidding?!

I do agreed that some FEs tends to cheat on their monthly mileage but NOT ALL of them. Just because of few, one of the most hated (should i say famous) support operation manager will straight straight cut down your claim if he "found" it was way of his justification. Sigh..... GPS system installed in his laptop huh? How often do you update your road maps? Once a year? Get a life man! Based on GPS then can justify that your FEs cheated for their mileage? Do u think it's fair for the FEs? Read what Jordan stated in his reply..... what bout temp road closures? Land slides? Flood? U think we own cars like you watched from the movie, Speed Racer? So what are the company's compensation to the senior FE transfered to JB who got his Wira A/B Special Edition stolen? Does the company provide him with a temporary company car in order for him to attend around for his support calls?

As for working on public holidays & weekends, indeed FEs are badly compensated. Extra off day to replaced the weekend or public holiday that u worked on? How bout double-pay for this? Most companies offers double-pay for those of their staff that worked on weekends & public holidays. Don't tell me in Malaysia different?

Just lately, i heard one of the junior FE been admitted to hospital becoz of mild stroke caused by work pressures. Some mgmt champion brushed it aside saying that no such thing as stroke that the FE gotten. Normal sickness? FYI, FEs work in shifts especially in Klang Valley & 80% of them doesn't have enough rest/sleep bcoz of support calls buzzing into their mobile phones.

Thank god i finally braced myself to leave Kompakar last year & currently landed myself in another industry that promises career + $$$ for my next 10-15 years. Oh yea, working hours are flexible enough & meet wonderful people.

To those of you reading this blog, justify yourself.

P/S: I know which manager, the above anonymous poster meant. Kick the bucket huh? Hahahahaha.....

Anonymous said...

Dear blog owner and people who left comments
I am an engineer too and I definitely agree to have such blog to express our comment but not until you are targeting to specified people. This kind of atitude is so childish.

First of all, regarding the 50cents per KM, I think is OK for me. Cause, you all need to remember back, why we claim 50cents per KM, instead of RM1500 fix per month. This is because of some fools are making trouble last time to change to mileage claim especially KV engineer. Beside that, changing to fix mileage claim to 50cents per KM, it would help engineer and company to save money. Enginner can save for INCOME TAX taxing and so do the company. FIx allowance will be charge for tax but not for 50cents per KM. Less tax.

Therefore not only that, you haven't make a detail research. 50cents per KM is consider standard compare to other company. You all said that other company is offering 60 to 80 cents per KM. This is because their jobs scope is different. This is because other workers that claim higher mileage claim is because of they are not always travelling. Lets me give you all a example. Flow Co is claiming 35cents per KM only. Can you believe it. OSK offerring 80cents per KM for the staff to travel out for sales. But this is not very often for the OSK workers. So you all do the judgement. So my suggestion is different position claim different claim. Example:- KV claim fixed allowance, remote staff claim mileage. But, does the KV engineer really that hardworking to entitle for it? Some of them are, some of them not? What i saw is KV engineer here got not teamwork and pushing call away. Same to outstation engineer. All of this is because of no teamwork, that's why a lot of problem coming out. Somemore some people like to stir the SHIT.

Secondly, regarding the parts that placed inside the car. This is a very serious problem. I definitely agree with the blog owner. WE really need to find out a solution for it. It will make us to become the TARGET. HEre are my suggesstions, I don't mind take some parts for supporting and place it in my car, but not the BIG BOX like OPT, DELL server and etc. This kind of parts should send directly to site by transporter. Small parts like card reader is OK. as long as it can place inside the car boot and not to been seen.

Finally, regarding the comment of the management, manager and above. Let me tell you all something about the road of success. WE work for a company and you want for increment and promotion every year, right? But before that, the management will care about nothing. The management will only care about, how much money you make for the company and how much money you save for a company. This is the really fact. If you want something, you need to do something. SO we all need to change our mind of thinking, which I start to change now,when i start some freelance job. Everything has two direction. Where there is north, there must be a south. So try to think and stand for other people direction, which is easily so say rather than do. Do not implement your thinking to other people to follow, where some people are not willing to do it.

FINALLY,as you said, can the FXXK manager cut all the cost and claim and making rules as he wish? the answer is NO!!!! Everything decision make, have to carefully think and agree by many party from lower level to management.

At last, the more SHIT YOU STIR, the more difficult we all in the company. So stay at current is the best. extra INCREMENT and bonus will be the BEST according to their performance and contribution to the company. SO can we all contribute!!!



Thank you....

Anonymous said...

Some of the comments here really points to specific people in the company mgmt. Especially the "whatever" manager who's in charge of the support operation flow.

Well, to Komenku.... well said in ur comment but do u know for sure whether the ex-FE or staff satisfied with what the manager done or treated them during their tenure within the company? I can understand what u guys meant by the comments but please keep the personal attacks/message to the minimum level. Thanks & have a great week.

Anonymous said...

Detailed research..hrrmmm.. I didn't do one but some doesn't need research just plain common sense. My opinion that is.

I m not specifically targeting anyone in the company but I do feel the need to say it out. Freedom of expression or speech? Lock me if you

don't like it. Everyone is entitled to their opinion that's why it is called opinion.

So what if we are being charged income tax? I will gladly pay for it for the fixed income that I m getting, further more if you know how

to manage your finances properly that income tax is not a problem. Make use of the money that you have and get tax exemptions out of it. Company payout more salary out hence lower profit so the company would pay lesser tax unless the money go somewhere else. So which way does it help the company? You make your own judgement.

Understood jobscope is different when you have mileage claim. Yeah, so what if Flow Co is claiming 35cents/km? Wonder if they

have a compensation plan for their staff's car? Do we have one? Nope! If they have a compensation plan that covers the maintenence of the

car 35cents/km would be very fair, I would accept that. Again I repeat this, eRetail have no whatsoever compensation plan to cover for the

car's maintenence. I WOULD LIKE TO STATE THIS AGAIN THE CAR NOT REGISTERED TO THE COMPANY. OSK sales people claim 80cents/km? Fine.. sales people their income is not from there. As the name of the job would have stated it very clearly SALES. Sales can happen as long as there's a way to communicate and get the message thru to confirm this and etc to get the sales sealed and SALES get their income from sales commission. Extra milage claim is an added bonus as some customers are fussy and would want the salesperson to meet them in order to give the sales to them. Did mention that they are not required to travel? So it is definitely an added bonus on top of that. Different position different claim? Yeah agreed, higher ups have more claims, entertainment and stuffs, no worries on that. Oh yeah what about the salary? How's does all that compare? If there's comparison would be done this would never end. As there's a Chinese saying that some how says, "Human compare human, compare till death"

On the matter of whether the FE deserves it or not, can't there be any deterrent measure be done on the specific FE instead of punishing

the whole team? No team work? As far as I remembered when I was there, the teamwork is there for all the matters that I know when I was

there. So what's the problem here? Make your own judgement again, I believe.

I have information from another company when I was with Kompakar, their compensation plan from what I see it is still better even if

there's no mileage claim. Every month there's a fixed allowance for car maintenence something that hovers around RM300+, petrol claimed by

receipt and at year end there's slightly big allowance for the maintenence of the car. Mind you that big allowance is on par with our

monthly salary.

FE in eRetail travel everywhere in KL. Must take the shortest route, avoid jams? Give me a car that can fly and that can be accomplished

:) Yeah I will keep on dreaming for that LoL! Longer routes to avoid jams but not a feasible option cause the 'GPS' can't detect it, in

the end actual claim got cut short due to the smart 'GPS' not to the actual mileage that you are taking. I have taken calls as a FE, one

day 2 sites. First site somewhere further up Rawang and the 2nd site is somewhere in Shah Alam. Good mileage you might say, but the jam to

Rawang due to roadworks that time, am I covering my car maintenence or what? Again make your own judgement.

Regarding the parts there's nothing else can be done. Can the transporter manage if given 30 sites to send equipment to given the traffic

situation in Klang Valley and with the shortest route? I rest my case about the parts being carried by FE.

Stir the SHIT? Who wants the SHIT to be there? We can't remove it by stirring. Any company would face SHIT it all depends on how the SHIT

is being managed and it seems the management can't manage the SHIT properly. Hence this blog and the responses. Why would there be fear of

talking about it? If it is SHIT it is SHIT no matter what is done, SHIT is SHIT not GOLD. Matters that can't be handle should not be

pushed under the carpet. HOw to go around it? Do some reading around. I m sure there are a lot of information online about management.

True enough that you needed to do something before you are able to get the rewards for it. Yeah things are done and being paid peanuts for

it. Road to success... before we can have increment and promotion and we haven't done anything the management will care for nothing?

Hmmm... seems like a heartless corporation this company or is this hell? No one would wonder if the staff turnover is high if the

management doens't care about the staff. It sounds more and more to me like slavery :P but of cause it is not. Just sound so typical

Chinaman management style, no offense to the Chinese, who ever reading this know me by my name. I don't intend to hide it. Be brave, show

yourself as you are if you want to comment on this. Do not hide behind the screen.

Of cause every decision that the manager makes must go thru a lot of people and everyone must agree to it, but from the lower level? Hmm..

I don't think any of us FE were consulted or being make aware before the 50cents/km implementation took place?

Stir SHIT? Its not, look at it in a more positive way, its a piece of shit on the floor. Do you want to clean it away or do you want to

push it under the carpet? By stirring the SHIT, it would still be on the floor and stink, so there's only 2 options as presented earlier.

Make your choice.

So much of a contradiction below there,

"SO we all need to change our mind of thinking, which I start to change now,when i start some freelance job. Everything has two direction.

Where there is north, there must be a south. So try to think and stand for other people direction, which is easily so say rather than do.

Do not implement your thinking to other people to follow, where some people are not willing to do it."

What you can do does not mean other people can do, so why are you like trying to get people to think in your way?


Company is good, the workers might not be good. True that's why we have managers to manage the workers, lessen the impact of the problem and increase the productivity of the workers. Unless the manager is incompetant...

But IF the company suffers, the workers must (BE?) suffer. True as well if the management can't solve the problems everyone would suffer.

I rest my case. This is a BLOG. Everyone is entitled to have their say unless you are BN.
It is stated in the Article 10 of the Malaysian Constitution which guarantees freedom of speech. Do give that a read but sadly it is not exactly practised here.

Almost everyone in eRetail was formerly a FE, even the current CEO was one, so why want to hide behind the screen and a nickname? I m quite sure who ever reads this knows who I am and I know who some of the person who replies here from what they are replying :D
Be responsible for the words here. :)

Have a great day!!


SharkLynx said...









Anonymous said...

to komenku :
how long u work in this company?i dare to reveal ur true id.

"First of all, regarding the 50cents per KM, I think is OK for me. Cause, you all need to remember back, why we claim 50cents per KM, instead of RM1500 fix per month. This is because of some fools are making trouble last time to change to mileage claim especially KV engineer. Beside that, changing to fix mileage claim to 50cents per KM, it would help engineer and company to save money. Enginner can save for INCOME TAX taxing and so do the company. FIx allowance will be charge for tax but not for 50cents per KM. Less tax."

-some fools?i think u just heard rumor.not real story.changing from mileage to fix allowance is management idea.not KV FE idea.
-help engineer & company save money?haha ur're funny.i don't think management will tell company profit info to staff.
-fix allowance important to FE that get lower basic salary to backup their whatever loan.i think u dont care other people.seem that u get more than rm2.5k basic salary.
-tax not a big issue here.
-i think komenku better do ur research on how management cut cost to pay FE EPF.

"Secondly, regarding the parts that placed inside the car. This is a very serious problem. I definitely agree with the blog owner. WE really need to find out a solution for it. It will make us to become the TARGET. HEre are my suggesstions, I don't mind take some parts for supporting and place it in my car, but not the BIG BOX like OPT, DELL server and etc. This kind of parts should send directly to site by transporter. Small parts like card reader is OK. as long as it can place inside the car boot and not to been seen."

-komenku,do u know last time transporter send parts {OPT,DELL SERVER) directly to site?
-if u refer to company transporter/driver,tell me how many transporter/driver in this company?can transporter/driver make delivery within 5 site perday without failing ETA or ETC?

"Finally, regarding the comment of the management, manager and above. Let me tell you all something about the road of success. WE work for a company and you want for increment and promotion every year, right? But before that, the management will care about nothing. The management will only care about, how much money you make for the company and how much money you save for a company. This is the really fact. If you want something, you need to do something. SO we all need to change our mind of thinking, which I start to change now,when i start some freelance job. Everything has two direction. Where there is north, there must be a south. So try to think and stand for other people direction, which is easily so say rather than do. Do not implement your thinking to other people to follow, where some people are not willing to do it."

-increment n promotion.u'll get increment n promotion without do heavy job if u good on lick ur bos ass just like ************.
-freelance.congrats cos u have time to do freelance.KV FE can't do freelance cos they always bz.

"FINALLY,as you said, can the FXXK manager cut all the cost and claim and making rules as he wish? the answer is NO!!!! Everything decision make, have to carefully think and agree by many party from lower level to management. "

-haha,the manager always got excuse to cut everything.
-decision make,manager just refer to management only.not lower level.

"At last, the more SHIT YOU STIR, the more difficult we all in the company. So stay at current is the best. extra INCREMENT and bonus will be the BEST according to their performance and contribution to the company. SO can we all contribute!!!"

- in ur dream la.their will not give extra increment + bonus.their will always give excuse.

congrats to all of u that leave the company.

sorry to hear about car stolen.but honestly,u got nice rim.LOL.

looking fwd for new comment.
have a great day..

Anonymous said...

Well, 1st of all this blog was created to get some feedbacks from the polls on whether 50 sen per-KM is reasonable for FE feasible or not. It's not intended to points to certain mgmt personnel in the company. I'm sure those ex-staff or FE wouldn't want to know much about what the manager done & so in the future. Who cares for what he wanna do & think?

Now it's just a chance for the company's mgmt to focus & make wise amendments to compensate their current staff.

What i can digest from komenku's remarks is either he's one of the staff who doesnt feel the pain & stress that other FE gone through before. As far as i know, teamwork is always there for Klang Valley's FE..... just few bad apples stirred the situation off sometimes. I'm pretty sure that you are one of the chronic person who suffered long enough to enjoy the current benefits that u enjoyed now right? I dare to assume that you are one of the few engineers who happened to be a successful boot-licker to someone in the mgmt team perhaps? If not, u wouldn't posted up your comments backing up the company & the manager that others hated much? If u can think wisely, where can u go in another 10 years within this company with the boot-licking attitude of yours? Perhaps a CEO or Vice-President designation? If yes, then bravo to u in advance.

To others who referring the senior FE who's car been stolen, please refrain from doing so anymore as this could jeopardize his job career in the company IF he's still working under the company. I believed that he suffered agony for losing his car to thieves & now some guys here using his misfortune to land themselves with excuse to finger-point someone in the mgmt team.

FYI, i'm not an ex-staff or anyone working in the company. I'm just a normal blogger & shared what i can understood from the blog created along with the comments that u all posted. I'm sorry if i offended anyone here & if u are not happy with it then bash me. Who cares? Besides it's my freedom of speech in the cyberworld.

Life's Short, Live the Best & Play Hard. Good day guys.

Anonymous said...

Oppss.... regarding the above comment posted by me. U all must be wondering how the heck i know whether there are teamwork in Klang Valley's engineers? Well, it happened that one of my best friend used to work under this company & he enjoyed it so much till couldn't withstand the odd working hours. That's the reason he left for a better career elsewhere.

Actually he's the one who suggest me to pay a visit to this blog & feel free to share feedbacks as well.

Anonymous said...

I have follow this blog from the beginning and found there is nothing for me to comment since whatever problem im facing has been voiced out by the blog owner “Thank You” so much. So all this long what I did is just vote for the survey. No doubt has to fully agree with the blog owner especially touching on issue on inflation. Purpose of this blog is swaying away from 50sen to targeting individual I consider this as unhealthy unless there is a blog about this individual then I got nothing to argue.

As for comment for “KOMENKU”

You mention: “Flow Co is claiming 35cents per KM only”.
Are you sure it is 35cent per KM..? or 46cent perKM? Yo! BRO, I dun see there is people “stirring the shit” here but I can see that u are “stirring the fact” here. What have you actually gain my making a statement by lowering the actually price per KM? or this is your special self motivating abilities telling yourself that you’re lucky to have 50cent rather than 35cent. If flowco paying their staff 35cent you think they want to go for it or not..? and you think people from flowco is so naive like you?

You mention: “Beside that, changing to fix mileage claim to 50cents per KM, it would help engineer and company to save money. Engineer can save for INCOME TAX taxing and so do the company”
Save money for company…Sure or not? If can save money then why the cost of implementing claim is more costly then fix allowance? Average engineer is claiming more den 1.5k so you are again “stirring the fact” here again. As for the engineer I wouldn’t say can save money like you and for me with claims system in place staff can have fairer pay. Your special self motivating abilities have made you forget that during allowance days we enjoy more epf contribution more than the current.

You mention: “Example:- KV claim fixed allowance, remote staff claim mileage. But, does the KV engineer really that hardworking to entitle for it? Some of them are, some of them not? What I saw is KV engineer here got not teamwork and pushing call away. Same to outstation engineer. All of this is because of no teamwork, that's why a lot of problem coming out”.
For your info the blog is not discussing about fix allowance, it only talks about 50cent perKM. Secondly, problem did not arise because of no teamwork. Teamwork has to be emphasize from the top level first by motivation and i.e. praising of staff openly bla blaa. From motivation we can bring the team member closer and work together to achieve goal. Nearest example you can see is the level of teamwork during TTSS project where teamwork is clearly define and reminded every time in a meeting and holding such activity like team building at a resort in seremban. Lastly, why a lot of problem coming out? Are they tired of playing hide and seek and finally reveal themselves? No and the answer is partly due our boss that prefer WORK rather than TEAMWORK. Why your own special self motivating abilities didn’t tell you this? Do you think it is fair to blame it on engineer alone…? With the implementation of mileage pushing call has drop to minimal this is positive changes. But as an engineer im afraid that digging 2 holes just to fill 1 hole. You know what I mean…we just had enough of negative changes.

You mention: “If you want something, you need to do something. SO we all need to change our mind of thinking, which I start to change now, when I start some freelance job. Everything has two direction. Where there is north, there must be a south. So try to think and stand for other people direction, which is easily so say rather than do. Do not implement your thinking to other people to follow, where some people are not willing to do it.”
“If you want something, you need to do something”
We want 50cent perKM to be review due to
1-inflation of cost of maintenance
2-risk concerning lost of property due to accident and theft
3-unessary jams that can be avoided by using alternative route.
4-review the cost of fuel since we are required to carry big big stuff with our car.
Now we want this so we need to do what..? Do we ask for inflation to go up sky high? Do we ask people to steal our car with the attractive parts in it..? Do we ask for traffic jam? Do we ask for big parts to be carried in our car? Number 1-3 it is an unavoidable extra burden for every one of us, I swear to god all mighty that we did not ask for this happen. Number 4, we did not ask for it just that we are required to do that. You are again blaming the problem to engineers and your special self motivating abilities started to fail you.

You mention: “SO we all need to change our mind of thinking, which I start to change now, when I start some freelance job.”
To change our mind of thinking and you start some freelance job..? or you mean start a new lifestyle and do some part time? Why you don’t want to concentrate on the current job…? Izzit u have lost confident in this company? Not earning enough? Or your special self motivating abilities tell you to do so. If you are doing part time you are consider unprofessional to your career. Secondly management did not encourage cause it is against the rules…btw we would really appreciate is you can reveal some of your technique of “mind changing” like the one you mentioned.

You mention: “Where there is north, there must be a south. So try to think and stand for other people direction, which is easily so say rather than do”
Engineer from north, east, south and west facing the same problems everyday as the blog owner has mentioned including you. We only raise our problem and needs so does the management vice versa this is called 2 way communication but your idea is only 1 way communication and if you got no place to stand you will chose reserve as well.

You mentioned: “At last, the more SHIT YOU STIR, the more difficult we all in the company. So stay at current is the best.”
You are just another non-problem solver. So izzit better to clear the shit or sit on the shit? This question you ask your special self motivating inner self for answer.

You mention: “extra INCREMENT and bonus will be the BEST according to their performance and contribution to the company. SO can we all contribute!!!”
the rest contribute by their work, so you contribute by carrying balls?

Sort of make sense to me. As for my opinion the company is good, the worker is good too. But worker at the same time is suffering even when the company is good.

Will continue to keep track of this blog some other day as I need to get some rest somemore it is my off day.
Good luck and drive safely guys 

Anonymous said...

Please post your valuable comments here & not childish remarks like vulgar, obscene or other comments that I believed the blog owner wouldn't like to read.

Thanks guys & hope u take this as a friendly reminder.

Anonymous said...

Haiya.. You all very noisy to put a lot of comment here but didn’t rise up in FE meeting with management. When come for meeting every body just keep quit regarding this issue (50 sen/km). Ok like this, my suggestion, why not if you guy going for support with ride motorcycle like what I’m doing right now but you all claim 50 sen/km. from that you can safe you toll, fuel and time travel. You put 1 box at back for you little parts like card reader. If got heavy part need to bring… haa.. from that maybe you can ask your friend to bring it to you (teamwork ma..hahahaha) or ask transportation to bring. If no choice than you need to use your car (just for few site). If raining, you can wait at your point until raining stop. If help desk ask, you all just inform that you stuck at heavy traffic jam due to using proper way to site. So you all don’t need to worry about your claim will be cut off. Hehehe… this just my suggestion. If you all want to do like this just make sure your management dono about this. Just keep your secret.. hehehe..

Anonymous said...

"Haiya.. You all very noisy to put a lot of comment here but didn’t rise up in FE meeting with management. When come for meeting every body just keep quit regarding this issue (50 sen/km). Ok like this, my suggestion, why not if you guy going for support with ride motorcycle like what I’m doing right now but you all claim 50 sen/km. from that you can safe you toll, fuel and time travel. You put 1 box at back for you little parts like card reader. If got heavy part need to bring… haa.. from that maybe you can ask your friend to bring it to you (teamwork ma..hahahaha) or ask transportation to bring. If no choice than you need to use your car (just for few site). If raining, you can wait at your point until raining stop. If help desk ask, you all just inform that you stuck at heavy traffic jam due to using proper way to site. So you all don’t need to worry about your claim will be cut off. Hehehe… this just my suggestion. If you all want to do like this just make sure your management dono about this. Just keep your secret.. hehehe.."

bro.just wondering.have u ever face problem with one of ur site down due to lightning strike.all machine burn.need to replace all the machine on ur own.need to replace urgent.no transporter available.can ride bike?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous : aloo bang, nak komen tu bukan x boleh, tapi pakai la otak hang. moto kepala hotak hang camne nak bawak kotak2 besar cam sial tu? ko member ramai takpe la. kitorang kat kl siapa nak peduli kitorang. gi mampus je la.

Anonymous said...

KUALA LUMPUR, 3 Jun (Hrkh) - "Ia akan berlaku...harga petrol akan naik,mungkin dalam Ogos tahun ini apabila sistem subsidi diberi penstrukturan semula."

Demikian Menteri Perdagangan Dalam Negeri dan Hal Ehwal Pengguna Dato' Shahrir Abdul Samad membayangkan kenaikan harga minyak petrol dan diesel yang dijangkakan mulai Ogos depan kepada wartawan di lobi parlimen semalam.

Katanya, kenaikan harga minyak itu selari dengan penstrukturan mekanisme baru skim subsidi minyak yang dinikmati rakyat kini.

"Sudahpun ada beberapa cadangan dan mekanismenya sudah disampaikan kepada Kementerian Kewangan dan ia akan diputuskan secara terbaik," katanya lagi.

Beliau berkata walaupun harga minyak naik, subsidi minyak masih akan dinikmati rakyat berasaskan keperluan bukannya penggunaan.

"Kalau hari ini kita lihat subsidi yang kita terima tu, dia berasaskan kepada jumlah yang kita pakai. Kalau kita guna 200 liter sebulan pun kita akan dapat subsidi bagi setiap liter yang kita beli, kalau kita guna hanya 100 liter pun kita akan dapat subsidi, jadi bermakna tak ada sekatan kepada subsidi yang kita peroleh kerana ia berasaskan kepada kegunaan kita.

"Itu bermakna ia satu sistem subsidi yang tak terjurus kepada masalah. Sepatutnya subsidi itu kepada kumpulan yang memerlukan pertolongan dan memerlukan subsidi, bukan hanya diberikan ikut kemampuan kita menggunakannya (bahan yang bersubsidi)," jelasnya.

Shahrir berkata penstrukturan itu juga adalah antara pendekatan kerajaan dalam menangani peningkatan beban tanggungan subsidi berikutan kenaikan mendadak harga minyak dunia sehingga mencecah lebih AS$130 setong ketika ini.

Beliau berkata jumlah subsidi yang dijangka ditanggung kerajaan untuk petrol, diesel dan LPG tahun ini ialah RM56 bilion dan ia berbeza dari tahun 2000 hingga 2007 iaitu RM37.4 bilion.

Shahrir berkata larangan penjualan petrol dan diesel oleh stesen minyak beroperasi dalam lingkungan 50km dari sempadan kepada kenderaan asing, adalah hanya langkah sementara.

Katanya larangan itu mungkin sehingga sistem pengurusan subsidi bahan api yang sesuai diputuskan oleh Jawatankuasa Kabinet Menangani Inflasi pada Ogos ini.

"Ini adalah tindakan sementara dan ia bukan satu tindakan yang berpanjangan kerana akhirnya kerajaan akan uruskan soal subsidi petrol dan diesel.

"Sekatan ini perlu untuk halang kenderaan masuk hanya untuk ambil minyak seterusnya membuat rakyat sedar memang besar subsidi yang diberikan kepada petrol dan diesel. Apabila sistem pengurusan subsidi dapat kita putuskan, sekatan tak akan timbul lagi," katanya.

Beliau berkata larangan penjualan itu sudah berkuatkuasa di sempadan Malaysia dan Thailand hari ini manakala bagi sempadan Singapura, ia akan berkuatkuasa pada 9 Jun ini.

"Larangan penjualan minyak itu tidak membabitkan mereka yang menunggang motosikal kerana kerajaan sentiasa mengambil berat terhadap golongan yang berpendapatan rendah dan membuat keputusan untuk mengecualikan mereka," katanya.

Shahrir berkata beliau tidak melihat larangan itu akan menjejaskan ekonomi negara walaupun terdapat rungutan daripada pengusaha stesen minyak terbabit.

"Saya dapati daripada laporan yang diterima memanglah perniagaan di sebelah sempadan itu dari segi pelanggan kereta kenderaan Thailand bisnesnya di stesen minyak itu telah berkurang sikit, dah tak berpusu-pusu macam dulu.

"Jika ekonomi negara bergerak hanya kerana penjualan barangan subsidi, maknanya kita tak mantap. Saya tak lihat bahawa ia boleh menimbulkan masalah dari segi ekonomi," katanya. - mks.

minyak naik, angin kitorang naik, darah tinggi naik

lagi cepat kitorang mampus

Anonymous said...

Well let's see what is going to happen with the petrol price increased to RM2.70/litre.

As the famous saying would go "Work first bear with it first ok? We talk later on this matter"

Anonymous said...

Harga minyak dah naik ke 2.70/liter.

Company telah pun menberi peluang kat kite utk menbuat pilihan.

1- 1km 60sen first and last 25dah boleh claim.

2- RM 750 sebulan dan card minyak

3- Kereta company.

so aper pandangan semua org die sana,

kalau bagi saya elok company wat cam 2, bagi pilihan kat semua org,

Anonymous said...

what ever company give u the option,just try to fight ur basic salary.

Anonymous said...

I believed that most FE will go for option no. 2 where the company will pay RM750 as allowance & then provide fuel card for FE to fill up their car tanks.

Fair enough but any loopholes from this? How to prevent abuse of the fuel card issued? Well, let the company's management think of it & make wise decisions. I believe those management team able to do so & if not, what else they are doing there? Honeymoon-ing?

Anonymous said...

Aiks, no more updates in this blog anymore? So everyone in Kompakar eRetail dept happy with the mgmt's new policy? Anyone from the company care to share with us here?